Treatments for all on retreat
Retreat Treatment Plan
In addition to your own individualized plan, you will also have the opportunity to partake in the Retreat Treatment plan available for all participants (unless a pre-existing condition prevents you from being able to take a particular medicine.) Within this holistic treatment plan we cover multi-layered aspects of healing to give you a full reset, revitalization and revamp of the mind-body-spirit complex, leaving no stone unturned. This combined with your own individualized treatment plan makes for a powerful and effective healing combination of which you will be amazed by what can be achieved within a relatively short period of time! With all holistic and spiritual healing modalities, the more you put in the more you get out. The more faith, participation and willingness to heal on your side really goes a long way in the world of plant spirit healing. Of course, all treatments, ceremonies and activities are optional, although our experienced curanderos and facilitators will encourage motivate you to complete the treatment plan as much as possible! We all take and experience these medicines on a regular basis as part of our work within plant spirit healing. Therefore you can rest assured that we are experts in administering these medicines and guiding you through every step of the healing process.
Here is an outline of our retreat treatment plan, highlighting some of the illnesses and conditions that can are
treated with these medicines.
Shipibo Ayahuasca Ceremonies
Ayahuasca ceremonies are extremely powerful processes for mind, body, spirit and emotional healing. They can reprogram your whole way of being, thinking and experiencing life which may have taken years of other spiritual practices or therapy to achieve similar results. Ayahuasca lifts the veil of illusion beyond separation so that you may experience life with new perspectives and feel the unity of all creation. You may experience, bliss, beauty, unconditional love, unity, and other heightened and expansive spiritual states.
You may also have more difficult experiences such as the surfacing of repressed trauma and childhood memories and/or releasing pain and trapped emotions from the body, it is not always easy. We are here to guide you and look after you through every step of your journey for whatever may occur. You may have extrasensory experiences such as clairvoyance (visions), clairaudience (hearing), claircognicense (knowing), clairsentience (feeling) beyond your usual perception. You may encounter spirits that provide you with deep insights, guidance and knowings. You can heal deeply and profoundly, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally within these ceremonies.
You may purge many energies and emotions that no longer serve you through the process of vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, shaking, crying or yawning, making space for your true essence to shine and divine life-path to unfold. These are just some of the things you may expect.
The Shipibo's are experts at Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Plant Spirit Healing. The curanderos call in many beings of light into the ceremony space to help the patients heal and hold a safe space for ceremony. These deep connections with their spiritual allies are what allow such profound healings to occur as they sing the Icaros (healing songs) to communicate with spirit to diagnose and heal patients through energetic transmissions and healing vibrations. It can truly be a magical experience that can help change your life infinitely for the the better.
Sangre De Grado Purgative
A plant purgative that washes your stomach/digestive system and prepares you to receive all of the plant treatments on the retreat.
Digestive Cleanse
Cleans the Blood
Detoxification of the Body
Increase Absorption of other Plant Medicines + Treatments
Other uses include but are not limited to topical use for cuts/scrapes and also taken internally in small amounts of longer duration to treat leaky gut syndrome and lacerations of the internal digestion system including damage caused by substance abuse.
Vapor Baths / Saunas
Further cleaning and detoxification with these powerful plant doctors known as the Cinco Medicos (5 Doctors) These are powerful medicines which you inhale and absorbs through your skin in a personalized sauna guaranteed to be an experience like no other that you have experienced before! These are super powerful medicines that work in the following ways
Detoxification of the whole Mind, Body, Spirit
Purging of Emotions
Deep Healing of Trauma and of Painful Experiences
Deep Energetic Cleanse
Cleaning of the Blood
Nervous System Cleanse
Treatment of Anxiety, Depression, Negative thought patterns
Removing Pain and Cold from deep within the body, excellent for arthritis and physical pain/injuries within the body
Clearning and cleansing your energetic field from energetic debris and /or any spiritual or psychic attacks.
The Cinco Medicos traditionally are Catahua, Ayahuma, Pinion Colorado, Toé, Pataquina Negra
Sometimes we will also add in Achiote, Barbasco or Lapuna Colorado. We also usually add some ayahuasca leaves too.
This medicine is one of the favorite treatments among our participants, curanderos and assistant healers alike!
Abilla Purgative
This powerful plant doctor has a whole host of functions. It is a deep stomach and digestive cleanse that can really reset your whole body to experience a whole new vibration of life! This amazing medicine is used for:
Deep Detoxification and Purification of the body, mind, spirit complex down to the cellular level!
Digestive Issues including Chron’s disease + Leaky Guy
Candida or other bacterial infections
Addiction + Substance Abuse
Energetic, Emotional Cleanse + Deep Trauma Release
Eating Disorders
Purification of the liver
Emplastos (Plant Poultices)
For those with physical pains within the body we prepare potent plant poultices. These are plants cooked in banana leaves and wrapped around the affected area of your body topically with bandages. The plants absorb into the skin, the bones and the joints to physically pull out the pain from your body! This can be used to treat and assist:
Pain in the body
Help Recover from an accident, fractures or operations
Cold within the Body
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Joint Pain / Stiffness
They include Pataquina Negra, Toe, Chili and sometimes other plants such as Marusa are added in. They are highly effective and will be given throughout the retreat to those who require this treatment. This combined with some of the other pain medicines has helped patients who were previously only able to walk with assistance/ crutches to being walk completely independently before the end of the retreat!
Smoke Baths
Smoke baths are used to clear negative or stagnant energy from within around your aura. They are used extensively within the tradition as a form of spiritual hygiene, for cleaning energy within spaces and also from the body, mind, spirit complex. You will receive a minimum of 1 personalised smoke bath (and more if presscribed.) We will also be using smoke baths before ceremony and around the center often to keep the space, clean and shiny for you to do your deep healing work.
Nuevo Vida Baths
The “Nuevo Vida” or new life baths consist of two marvelous trees that provide you with additional energy and vitality for the next part of your journey. These are Chullachaqui and Achiote. We use these baths to seal in all of the healing which you have received as part of our ayahuasca healing retreats. They lift your vibration and give you additional energy and strength to face everything within your stride. With these powerful plant allies you will feel refreshed and new so that nothing can stand in your way! These are given after the cleaning phase of retreat as the plants now begin to fill you up with new vibrant energy!
Bano de Amor / Bano de Florecemiento
Love Baths or Flower baths signify that the treatment program is almost over. You will have received many different treatments that have cleaned you, treated many different conditions, filled you up with new life and energy, sealed you in…Now it is time to receive the Love Baths! What do these do we hear you ask?
Fill You Up With Loving Vibrations
Raise Your Frequency
Attract Love, Wealth and Good Fortune within Your Life
Bring you happy and joyful experiences within Your life
Align you with your highest path of love, light and joy
These baths finalise the treatment program, leaving you all shiny and new ready to embark on whatever comes your way as your new higher vibrational way of living unfolds!
Chiric Sanango
This medicine is used for further cleaning, healing and strengthening of the body. This is a powerful doctor and nervous system cleanse that can treat:
Nervous System Issues & Diseases
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Acute Pain
Physical Injuries within the body
Emotional Trauma & stuck energies
Remove cold from the body
Ucho Sanango
From the same Sanango family working on similar issues its brother Chiric Sanango in a complementary fashion. Often this medicine is prescribed with Chiric Sanango on alternate days. In addition this medicine is also known for vitality strength. This is the same plant that "Sananga" eyedrops are made from in other traditions.
A large tree and powerful tree that has many uses within the Shipbio tradition, with its specialties being for:
Physical Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adrenal Fatigue
Pain Relief
Regulation of menstruation cycle
Menstrual Cramps
Strengthen of Bones & Joints
Recovering from Physical Injuries
Strength & Vitality
Again, this medicine is often prescribed in combination with Chiric Sanango and Ucho Sanango (on separate days) for deep and profound healing for the above physical conditions. The effects are amazing and can really change your experience of physical reality, giving hope to anyone who has suffered with physical issues and pain
Tantirao + Maiz Morado
Tantirao is a very powerful plant and when mixed with Maiz Morada it is our go to medicine for all of the following conditions
Lack of Self Love
Heart Opening
Trauma Healing
Connecting with your highest self
Many conditions and symptoms can be boiled down to a lack of self-love as a result of childhood trauma. This medicine is a firm favorite with many of our participants and more self-love is always on the menu at our ayahuasca healing retreats. Self-love is key to your own healing journey. The plants leaves curl when you touch them which is representative of how i can open our own sensitivity. Also known as "Sensitiva" plant
This Nasal cleanse is used for:
Nasal Cavity/Sinus Cleanse
Respiratory Problems
Boosting Immune System
In the Shipibo Tradition this is also used for laziness and to increase motivation
Blood Brain (Jarabe de Piñon Colorado)
This medicine is pure magic. It’s main ingredients are Piñon Colorado and Suelda con Suelda. The reason that we use is it is that once a man was treated within the tradition who had lost hearing in his ear to 20% following a lightening strike. He was treated with this medicine reverting his hearing back to over 80% efficiency!
The hearing loss was due to nerve damage which this amazing medicine treated. Here are a list of some more of the conditions that Blood Brain can be used to treat and assist with
Nerve Damage
Cleaning/Detoxification of the blood
Improve Memory Function
Improve Brain & Neurological Function
Increase Energy