We are now releasing videos from our live channeling events that we held in Pisac, Peru in 2019. Enjoy this inspirational episode in which you can learn to recognize and take responsibility for distrust of the self. As you become more aware of the Universal Love that already exists within you at all times, you'll strengthen your connection to your own intuition and inner wisdom that's always present and guiding you.
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February 27, 2019 - recorded live from Pisac, Peru, at a Channeling event
03:22 Jamie leads a guided meditation to radiate the vibration of love.
11:48 The Andromedans (through Michael) speak about our changing reality that is shifting frequently. The constant is that everything is always changing. The experience of mistrust brings about opportunities to discover the mistrust of self within. The mistrust of self within is reflected in outside events and circumstances. You can take responsibility for your own distrust of self. What you put out into the world is what you get back. Remember that those outside yourself are helping you to see yourself more clearly.
16:10 The Pleiadians (through Michael) invite you to connect with them to receive messages of love. Unconditional love is the true nature of the Universe, and connecting to this true nature allows you to see and feel if you are in alignment with love. All hold unconditional love within. The trust you have inside is reflected outwards.
21:06 The Pleiadians (through Jamie) share a guided exercise to improve self-trust via focus on the human senses of sight, hearing, and touch.
35:00 The Pleiadians (through Michael) share how connecting with your Higher Self empowers self-trust. Your Higher Self is your highest form of guidance available and your direct connection to God and Spirit. When you fully embrace your own connection to the Divine you will be internally guided from moment to moment, with clear discernment. Skepticism results from feeling separate from the Divine. It’s important to remember that you are infinitely connected and to activate your own free will.
44:05 The Pleiadians (through Jamie) invite you to consider that skepticism is actually fear. Accordingly, self-trust is also synonymous with love. Skepticism is to self-trust as fear is to love. The heart is like a radio station, and the mind is like an antenna. The mind picks up on all frequencies and vibration, while the heart fine-tunes these frequencies and vibrations to God. When in fear, you may put your attention towards the “radio station” of the heart, which is the frequency of truth, to collapse the fear.
53:10 The Pleiadians (through Jamie) answer the audience question, “How can I reconcile the confusion between knowing if it’s my heart or my mind?” by leading a guided visualization to connect with the mind and the heart.
01:02:30 The Pleiadians (through Michael) answer the audience question, “How can I trust my visions?”
01:16:00 Spirit (through Jamie) and the Pleiadians (through Michael) answer the audience question, “I’m curious to know if I might be Pleiadian or a star being, because I saw some beings during the meditation?”
01:24:40 The Pleiadians (through Michael) and Spirit (through Jamie) answer the audience question, “Should I make a trip back home to make amends to my family, or is that just be me running away again?”
01:34:17 The Pleiadians (through Michael) and Spirit (through Jamie) answer the audience question, “When I look to the future and see a potential option, and the associated positives and negatives, is there validity to the exploring the positives and negatives to weigh a decision?”
01:44:20 Michael and Jamie finish the session with a lovely guitar melody and song of praise and thanks.
1. “When I ask my heart a question, sometimes I feel my mind jump in quickly. I’m trying to feel into the heart, but the mind is answering all the time. How can I reconcile the confusion between knowing if it’s my heart or my mind?” (53:10)
2. “I had a personal vision that ended up not being true. I’m wondering if it was my personal guides showing me this vision or if it was tricky spirits, and how can I trust my visions now?” (01:02:30)
3. “I’m curious to know if I might be Pleiadian or a star being, because I saw some beings during the meditation?” (01:16:00)
4. “Should I make a trip back home to make amends to my family, or is that just be me running away again?” (01:24:40)
5. “When I look to the future and see a potential option, and the associated positives and negatives, is there validity to the exploring the negatives instead of placing more emphasis on the positives?” (01:34:17)
“If you are bringing about situations into your reality of mistrust, it shows you that there is something inside yourself that brings about the need to view, to visualize, to feel, to understand this mistrust more easily, more fluidly. And when you see that as the reason for this mistrust situation occurring in your life, you may see that it is the mistrust within yourself that brings this into your reality. As when you understand everything within is reflected outside, that the outer reality that you experience is directly correlated to the energy that is inside you. Therefore, if there are feelings of mistrust within you, then you will experience this in the outer reality.”
~ Andromedans through Michael
“This is why we ask that in your efforts to overcome, ascend, navigate, and walk through your own personal skepticisms, we first ask you to recognize in this example of the eyes, the ability to see, the sense of sight, we ask you to recognize that the eyes themselves are simply a vessel for information to travel through to your brain. And then thoughts are formed consciously by the Self. And within this we say that in your practice to overcome, navigate, or walk through skepticism, you may find it easier to close your eyes. When we close our eyes, we eliminate the visual sensations, we eliminate the sense of sight, therefore eliminating input into the eyes to the brain. This one simple task eliminates outward stimuli, to assist you in having more clarity for yourself and moving beyond skepticism to discernment, to clarity.”
~ The Pleiadians through Jamie