Hi, we´re Jamie and Michael Thornhill, Co-founders of Casa Galactica. We`re professional Intuitive Mediums & Channels, Trauma-informed Plant Spirit Healers, and Non-dual Teachers. We specialize in, and emphasize, trauma-informed care and professional ethics throughout all of our work.
We recognize at this moment in time, that whether a person is working with entheogenic plant medicine, deep-diving into trauma therapy, participating in traditional counseling, practicing inner contemplation and meditation, actively engaging their intuition, or simply experiencing a personal transformation in life, that having a supportive group environment to safely share and process with others is a powerful and complementary tool for amplifying self-love, engraining in self-acceptance, connecting with others, dissipating shame, and integrating newfound, consciousness-expanding awarenesses.
It´s easy to fall back into old habits after having an intensely eye-opening experience, and we´ve discovered that devoting intentional time to personal integration can lead to long-lasting positive changes in well-being, intuition, and resilience. Openheartedly participating in a supportive group environment also teaches us how to truly hold space for, listen to, and learn from others´ experience, strength, creativity, and hope.
You/We are not alone. We hear the call and acknowledge that many of you have a deep yearning to hear others´ stories and you have a deep desire to intimately share your own, within a respectfully held and trauma-informed container, for the advancement of personal healing and evolution. The purpose of this monthly Sharing & Integration Circle is to give you the opportunity to do just that.
This free, 60-minute online Sharing & Integration Circle is held via group Zoom video-call meeting. You will need to sign up by clicking the red button to receive the Zoom meeting link via email. The circle is adeptly facilitated by Jamie and/or Michael, Co-founders of Casa Galactica, and there is a general topic or theme of discussion for each monthly circle. As a participant of the circle, you agree to adhere to our Circle Terms & Conditions of Participation. You may also freely choose your own level of participation in the circle, whether you simply show up to listen or actively engage and share (or a combination of both).
"Having a supportive group environment to safely share and process with others is a powerful tool for amplifying self-love, engraining in self-acceptance, connecting with others, dissipating shame, and integrating newfound awarenesses."
In this 60-minute, online monthly sharing and integration circle, you´ll have the opportunity to share about your own personal processes, thoughts, feelings, and experiences of healing and evolution. You are welcome to share your challenges, your strength, your hope, and your tools of navigation through challenging and/or uplifting times, whether your experience be with ayahuasca, other entheogens and plant medicines, trauma healing sessions, intuitive readings, traditional therapy, your own personal contemplative practice, meditation, yoga, or any other healing modality.
You may also be simply preparing for an ayahuasca retreat or an immersive healing program where you will be experiencing non-ordinary states of consciousness, and you are invited to share your personal processes as the retreat or program approaches. In this safe, confidential, trauma-informed sharing and integration circle, you will also learn and grow through listening and bearing witness to the experience of others. Finally, you´ll connect and collectively heal and evolve with other inner-truth seeking, heart-centered humans in a mutually supportive, integrative, and life-transformative group environment.
By joining our monthly Sharing & Integration Circle, you will experience:
A mutually-supportive, confidential, and trauma-informed online group environment
A safe space to speak openly about your thoughts, feelings, and experience
Being witnessed, acknowledged, and understood
Transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability as a strength in self and others
Personal and collective healing and evolution
Heart-centered community with fellow inner-truth seekers
(Inter)Connection and shared experience with others
Holding space for others to ground-in deeply-healing and consciousness-expanding experiences
Integration of visionary insights into tangible daily actions and real changes in patterns of thought and behavior
Inspiration, fresh perspectives, and new tools for navigating personal processes
"Our online Sharing & Integration Circle is a mutually-supportive, confidential, and trauma-informed online group environment - a safe space to speak openly about your thoughts, feelings, and experience."
We are all teachers of the circle.
That being said, this online Sharing & Integration Circle is peer-led and facilitated by us, Michael and/or Jamie Thornhill, Co-founders of Casa Galactica. We are fellow travelers with you on this journey, and it is our honor and joy to create and hold this supportive, trauma-informed space for all who desire to join.
We are all students of the circle.
That being said, this online Sharing & Integration Circle may be a fit for you if:
You are a sincere inner-truth seeker who is open, willing, and able to share, and/or bear witness to, deeply healing and non-ordinary experiences
You desire to integrate your personal and profound experiences of healing trauma, spiritual awakening, consciousness expansion, intuitive insights, or deeper emotional processing into tangible actions and changes in patterns of thought and behavior
You are curious about your own multi-dimensionality
You desire to learn, heal, love, and grow within a mutually-supportive group environment
You have compassion and the ability to simply listen and bear witness to others´experiences without judgment or the need to interrupt or offer advice
You recognize vulnerability and authenticity in self and others as a strength
This online Sharing & Integration Circle may NOT be a fit for you if:
You are disinterested in self-introspection and self-discovery
You are more interested in sharing the "highlight reels" of your magical and mystical experiences than you are interested in learning from them
You are skeptical or fearful of non-ordinary experiences discovered through entheogenic altered states, trauma healing, multi-dimensionality, spiritual realms, meditation, internal inquiry, and intuitive perception
Saturday, September 14th, 2024
10:00am Central Time (GMT-5)
When you sign up by clicking the red button, you will immediately receive a confirmation email in your inbox that contains a link to the group Zoom video-call meeting. At the scheduled time of the online Sharing & Integration Circle, you will click the Zoom link to join live. The Sharing & Integration Circle is 60 minutes in duration, and it will begin and end on time. You may participate in the circle with your video camera either on or off. As a participant in the circle, you agree to adhere to the Circle Terms & Conditions of Participation.
It´s FREE, y'all.
In order to join and participate in the Sharing & Integration Circle, you must sign up by clicking the red button. Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link to the Sharing & Integration Circle. Please keep this email and click the link to join the circle at the scheduled time.
By participating in the Sharing & Integration Circle, you agree to Casa Galactica´s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
By participating in the Sharing & Integration Circle, you agree to adhere to Casa Galactica´s Circle Terms & Conditions of Participation.
This Sharing & Integration Circle is not intended to be a replacement for individual, tailored, one-on-one professional support through counseling sessions, healing sessions, coaching sessions, intuitive sessions, or other therapeutic modalities. The group-based support of this Sharing & Integration Circle is not focused solely on the individual´s needs, but is instead meant to complement and expand upon individual work.
This Sharing & Integration Circle is not intended to be a replacement for individual, mutually-supportive relationships and friendships. The group-based support of this Sharing & Integration Circle is meant to be an opportunity to practice, and to be a demonstration for, how we can better show up in our personal relationships. To better cultivate one-on-one relationships and friendships in your personal life, read Casa Galactica´s article, "The Call List: A Powerful Tool for Overcoming Self-Sufficiency".
The Sharing & Integration Circle will start and finish on time. Please join the circle 5 minutes before the start time to ensure that you are centered and ready to participate when it begins.