Intuitive Medium · Multidimensional Mentor & Teacher · Ayahuasca Practitioner · Ethics Specialist · Trauma-informed Care Trainer
The private Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course assists beginner, intermediate, and seasoned intuitives, mediums, channels, psychics, plant medicine practitioners, energy workers, spiritual guides, coaches, counselors, therapists, psychologists, doctors, nurses, and healers of all types in working with and navigating their own intuitive abilities and strengthening them to be a crystal clear channel in service to the healing of self and others. This is a customized course, thoughtfully channeled by Jamie and carefully curated by Spirit to be of highest benefit to your very personal learning and growth. You will receive unique-to-you guidance, visualizations, and practice exercises geared specifically to your personal level and tailor-made for improved self-understanding of your own channeling abilities and intuitive awareness. All sessions are held online or in-person for 60 minutes in duration and will be audio recorded and emailed to you for future use, study, and reference. The educational content and outline of the Course is as follows:
Session 1 – Foundational Tool #1: Strengthening Spiritual Sovereignty & Free Will Choice
Within the non-physical multidimensional realms, and at our truest essence, all beings, including the self, are innately spiritually sovereign, impervious to infringement and without need of anything from anything. Within this 3rd Density human experience, we have an opportunity to gather, use, and direct the gift/power of free will to acknowledge, honor, and strengthen spiritual sovereignty within the self and through one´s healing work in service to others (or not). In this session you will use your own free will to create a declaration of your spiritual sovereignty. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 2 – Foundational Tool #2: Polarizing & Creating a Conscious Choice Statement
In order to continuously refine oneself, ethically channel, and intuitively connect in a consistently beneficial manner, one will come to recognize the power of gathering and using free will to consciously choose to be in service to all beings, or to be “positively polarized”. In this session you will create a unique-to-you conscious choice statement of “polarization”, dedicating and devoting yourself to your innermost loving purpose and soul´s calling for this incarnation in service to others. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 3 – Foundational Tool #3: Aligning With Love & 4th Density
Before actively receiving and transmitting messages, guidance, wisdom, and insights from the higher realms, a clear channel must be willing to fully remember and embody the highest desired frequency of love, Oneness, and ever-present inter-connectedness for channeling. The 4th Density, the Density of Love, is always already present and available to align with. In this session you will practice activating your heart center through a personalized guided visualization, while experiencing the expansiveness and radiance of your heart´s unity with all beingness. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 4 – Foundational Tool #4: Tuning Yourself to Your Highest Desired Frequency
In order to integrously channel for yourself and others, you must know in your heart-of-hearts what it is that you place your faith in and what it is that you stand for. Whether it be love, a favorite mantra, a hymn, God, or even a simple quartz crystal, it´s beneficial to have a reference point for your highest desired frequency that you can (at)tune yourself to at any moment. In this session, you will identify a “tuning tool” that is of the utmost resonance with you personally, and you will practice entraining your resonance with it. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 5 – Integrating the Foundational Tools
Now that you´ve learned and practiced the 4 Foundational Tools for embodying and radiating your highest desired frequency, integrity, and ethics, it´s time to integrate this experience through sharing, processing, and asking your most heartfelt questions. In this session, you will have an opportunity to dialogue with me more in-depth about what you are experiencing, any challenges you are facing, and how to best inwardly navigate when confusion or doubt arises. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 6 – Remembering God (Source, Creator, Higher Power, or Whatever-You-Call-It)
God is quite literally the frequency of love, light, and truth. God is also already within us, whether we ever are aware of it or not. This is not a religious God, nor is it an angry vengeful God. This is the loving intelligence that is woven into the fabric of beingness. What better frequency to connect with for guidance when desiring to embody your highest desired frequency? In this session, you will consciously connect with the God within you to become more familiar with its presence and to channel guidance for yourself and/or others. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 7 – Discovering Your Higher Self
Your Higher Self is the non-physical 6th density aspect of yourself, your oversoul, that holds all of the knowledge, wisdom, and experience from across all lifetimes and all spaces between lifetimes. Your Higher Self knows exactly what your soul´s blueprint is for this lifetime and incarnation, and is therefore “expert” in You. To be a clear channel, it is important to have a true sense of your own Higher Self, which is always streaming through you for your highest good, healing, and purpose. In this session you will strengthen your connection to your Higher Self through a guided visualization and gain sensitivity to its energy. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 8 – Meeting Your Spirit Team
Your Spirit Team consists of the multi-dimensional guides and beings who were assigned to you before you were born into this lifetime. They act as your etheric support crew, nudging you, redirecting you, protecting you, guiding you, and inspiring your soul’s journey within this incarnation. They are joyfully responsible for helping you fulfill your self-contracted assignment or soul´s calling. In this session, you will connect with the non-physical soul-spirits and multi-dimensional beneficent guides who are assisting you with your life’s journey. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 9 – Discerning the Voice of Ego
One of the most-asked questions I receive from people who are working with their multi-sensory abilities is, “How do I know I’m not just making this up?” Learning to discern between messages of higher guidance and the lower-vibration thoughts of the ego is paramount to channeling in service to the healing of others. In this session, you will learn how to discern when you’re feeling out of alignment while channeling and how to “auto-correct” your polarization and tuning when the voice of ego starts taking over. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
Session 10 – Recognizing Your Shadow
Every single one of us has a unique combination of traumas, distortions, blocks, and limiting beliefs (also known as our “shadow”) that we carry with us as a result of the experiences we’ve had in life, whether it be related to our family environment or to the collective condition of humanity in general. The goal is not to eliminate or negate the shadow, but instead to consciously work with it as a tool as it arises. In this session, you will learn an active personal practice for identifying your shadow more clearly and how to recognize when it is interfering with your ability to channel. You will also have an opportunity to practice channeling, which empowers your embodied learning and growth. In all sessions, you will receive channeled guidance through me. Questions during the session are encouraged.
"Everyone is intuitive. I mean it, EVERYONE. It’s innate to our experience as humans on Earth. And although we have a very physical 3rd-density body, our higher mind, or spirit, or soul is extremely multi-dimensional and intrinsically connected to the entire Universe. Which means that we’re inherently able to consciously connect to and channel that vast intelligence that abundantly exists, in the physical and the non-physical realms, in its innumerable forms, faces, and voices.”
- Jamie Csizmadia Thornhill, Intuitive Medium
Be of service to the highest healing, good, and purpose of the planet and humanity
Identify, develop, strengthen, and/or advance intuitive awareness and vocal channeling abilities
Expand the capacity to receive and channel healing communications for self and others as an act of service
Learn foundational tools for vocally channeling in service to others
Strengthen their own spiritual sovereignty while also acknowledging and honoring the spiritual sovereignty of others
Adeptly navigate the multidimensional realms with greater skillfulness, ethics, love, and integrity
Trust their own inner wisdom, guidance, and intuition
Leave behind the limiting beliefs of dualistic religions/traditions and embrace their non-duality
Diminish fear and self-doubt around intuition and vocal channeling
Complement and improve upon their current healing modality with intuitive guidance and channeled insights
Carve their own path and strengthen their own soul blueprint in their healing work
Discern their own answers for making authentic, self-directed choices
Increase personal vibration and knowing of oneself as a direct expression of God
Understand what personal shadows, traumas, and/or blocks are limiting intuitive awareness and vocal channeling abilities
Embrace and allow all the parts of self to exist and be known
Consciously vocally channel higher guidance, wisdom, and insights in service to others
Commit more deeply to their soul’s love-honor-duty as healer and spiritual leader
Fulfill a deeper purpose of ushering in the New Earth and the 4th-density of Love for our planet
Improve ability to act as a clear and open vocal channel
Embody the True/Higher Self more regularly, fluidly, and fluently
Directly experience connection to God and the One consciousness
Open to, experience, and consciously radiate more love and light
Progress to the next level of healing work in service to others
Cultivate medical and diagnostic intuitive skills that may be used within modern or traditional healing modalities
IMPORTANT: Be certain to keep the email confirmation you receive, titled “Thank you for your purchase!”, immediately after you purchase this course. It includes a link to Jamie’s “FYI” document, which contains all instructions for scheduling your 10 sessions, preparing for your sessions, and integrating and implementing the teachings from your sessions. The “FYI” document can only be accessed from your purchase confirmation email.
Your sessions will be private and online via Zoom video-call. Therefore, you will need to have a laptop, device, or cell phone to participate in Zoom video-calls.
Each session is audio recorded, and a link is provided to you via email (within 48 hours following a session) that you can access to download the recording.
All sessions are 100% confidential and all 10 sessions must be scheduled within 6 months from the date of the course being purchased.
All payments are final and non-refundable.
If you have any additional questions or need help understanding if this course is right for you, please feel free to schedule a free 30-minute online consultation with me via Zoom video-call.
“I embarked on the Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course with Jamie not knowing what to expect, or what I would gain from the experience. Throughout each of the sessions, I was constantly surprised and humbled by the specificity and directness of the lessons, techniques and information. This course far surpassed anything I could have imagined or hoped for. The depth and clarity with which Jamie facilitates and works with is truly inspiring and quite phenomenal. Her care, love and professionalism reflected in what was revealed through each session and the space she facilitates allowed for a depth of learning and understanding within me to unfold naturally and authentically. If you are considering doing the Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course, ponder no
further. You won’t regret the gifts and teachings that unfold over the days with Jamie and Spirit. I am so grateful and blessed to have allowed myself the time to learn more about my own way of working with Spirit/source/love and how to apply that in my life and working with clients. This is a grounded & empowered way of diving deeper into one’s own innate talents and connection to source.”
~ Michelle van Straaten | South Africa (Yoga Instructor, Plant Medicine Healer)
"Every time I have had an Intuitive Reading from Jamie, it has been exceptionally life-changing. So receiving 6 back-to-back themed sessions was exponentially more so. Jamie’s work has been massively instrumental in my life, and I really don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t met her. Her Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course has given me consistent access to, and into, the part(s) of myself that is/are connected to all. She has gifted me tools to access the multidimensional portal that is this bodily existence. This has proven to be a turning point. The path of my personal spiritual growth will be punctuated by this course forever, as it commemorates a massive juncture of growth best described as a quantum leap. I cannot recommend this course enough"
~ Dean Pinon Sui | Peru (Shamanic Practitioner, Onaya, Psych K Practitioner, & Breathwork Facilitator)
“I started Jamie’s Intuitive Mentorship 101 Course after I had an Intuitive Reading session with her. Spirit told me that my purpose here is to pass on messages to others, and that I have untapped or un-used abilities of this nature. I felt a mix of feelings including excitement and slight confusion, but also a sense of knowing this was correct. Upon reflecting on experiences in my life, as well as my interest in consciousness and a strong desire to feel connection, things just started falling into place, and I signed-up for the course. During the course, Jamie and Spirit taught me the 3-step process of polarization, tuning, and heart activation. This 3-step practice was fundamental throughout the course, as well as my life in general – it was something that gave
the first realization that I didn’t have to be anywhere in particular to feel or create that intuitive connection. I have used this 3-step technique for insights and grounding wherever I’ve been that I could remember I had this tool. Throughout the course, I learned different ways to connect with different energies and also how to more constructively interact with certain entities that visited me at night (and had done for most of my life). As mentioned, this was my first insight into this method of intuition/connection, and this is something I can see myself keeping with me and developing upon indefinitely. Jamie and Spirit also always had positive and informative answers towards questions, which I found essential as it can be a tricky space to navigate at times. Having a guide for channeling and intuitive work seems to be essential, as there are many distracting and false or misleading messages that can come through. I enjoyed the space and time allowed between sessions – there are guidelines to the schedule, but ultimately it is up to the student to book the appointment for when you are ready. It is also extremely handy to have the audio recordings for each session, as coming back to them brings new levels of insight along the journey of development. So overall, this course was really the beginning of a new shift in awareness for me and the start to what is now essentially guiding my life.”
~ Jamie Clowes | United Kingdom (Truth-seeker)